Many of you may be aware of the street vending that used to happen along the 000-block of East Hastings Street between Columbia and Carrall streets. For a large number of people living in the Downtown Eastside this was a desperately needed opportunity to earn income by selling things such as used clothing and dishes…
Category: Uncategorized
For good measure: Happiness!
I recently came across a job posting for a researcher for Happy City, an organisation I had not heard of before. Their website says it all: “The life-shaping power of urban design isn’t always obvious. But design has consequences for public health, the economy, and the well-being of every person in the city. The good…
Is the transit glass half-empty or half-full?
Most of the transit activists I’ve worked with over the years are conflicted by the transit plebiscite. You can find lots of good reasons to vote in favour — more SeaBuses, more desperately needed HandyDART service, more late night bus service, as well as a much-needed increase in overall transit services in our region. Unfortunately,…
Hats off to the New Yaletown decision
The BC Supreme Court decision against the re-zoning and land swap for a new condo tower beside Emery Barnes Park in New Yaletown has lots of people talking (again). There’s plenty to discuss about the lack of fairness, meaningful communication and transparency with Vancouver’s Vision-dominated City Hall, which seems to be joined at the hip…
Longtime City activist Tim Louis ready for November 2014 election – calls for expropriation of Arbutus Corridor
These are the highlights of my speech this morning. Friends and the media joined me at the Arbutus Corridor as I announced my bid for a COPE nomination to run for City Council in Vancouver’s November municipal election. I will be running for a nomination at COPE’s Nominating Conference Sunday Sept. 7th. — I am here…
Vision’s Vision is Getting Blurry
In politics, as in our personal lives, sometimes we need to revise our expectations. Other times, we have to admit we are wrong; we are required to concede that we simply did not do enough. In the case of Vision Vancouver’s highly touted and infinitely flexible promise to end homelessness, it appears that a rather…
Please support Audrey Siegl’s AWALASKENIS II Journey of Truth & Unity Caravan to Ottawa!
Hello friends. Please consider sending a donation and positive thoughts to Audrey Siegl as she prepares for her important journey. She’s asked me to share her statement and contact info below, and I am asking you to do the same. Thank you. I am rejoining my AWALASKENIS II Journey of Truth & Unity Caravan to…