As of February 28, 2024, Vancouver’s absentee mayor, Ken Sim, has missed 222 votes out of 777 City Council votes since being sworn in on November 7, 2022.
This appears to be an unfortunate pattern with ABC City Councillors. The most absent was ABC’s Rebecca Bligh, who missed 290 votes. Third in line was ABC’s Brian Montague, who missed 127 votes.
The Mayor and City Councillors are paid well for their services. The Mayor earns $205,914 per year, plus an annual supplement of $3,048. Councillors each earn an annual salary of $101,938, and also receive the $3,048 supplement. All have certain expenses covered by the City and may earn extra income for performing extra duties.
Let’s be really clear – Vancouver taxpayers are not receiving good value for money from the truant ABC mayor and Councillors.
A mayor is elected not just to issue edicts to the members of council elected on his ticket. Mayors are elected to be leaders and in order to lead, they have to be present.
The Province, which regulates the civic government under the Vancouver Charter, explicitly declares that the mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipality, with all the responsibilities of a councillor, as well as other responsibilities, which include:
- Provide leadership to council including by recommending bylaws, resolutions and other measures that may assist in the peace, order, and good governance of the municipality.
- Reflect the will of council and carry out other duties on behalf of council, such as attending ceremonies and meetings of other bodies.
- Communicate information to council, for example from the chief administrative officer or from meetings with other bodies.
- Chair council meetings, including overseeing their conduct, maintaining order, and knowing the rules of governing meetings.
- Establish standing committees and appoint people to those committees.
- Provide, on behalf of council, general direction to municipal officers about implementation of municipal policies, programs, and other council directions.
- Suspend municipal officers and employees if the mayor believes this is necessary, subject to confirmation by council under section 151 of the Community Charter
Speculation abounds as to why the mayor is absent for almost one-third of council votes. One explanation making the rounds is that at just 15 months into his mandate, he is tiring of his position and has lost interest.
With controversies mounting up, such as the secrecy of Sim’s Budget Task Force and his arbitrary and anti-democratic decision to do away with Vancouver’s elected park board, he is looking more and more vulnerable in the October 2026 civic election.
Mayor Sim’s dismal attendance record is just one more sign that he may be a one-term wonder.
Council watchers are now keeping their eyes on members of his caucus to see who may be jockeying to run for mayor if Mayor Sim chooses not to run again.
With ABC looking to be more and more vulnerable, it is more important than ever for progressive voices to come together in a progressive, united coalition, and sweep the ABC regime out of office.
Daily atmospheric CO2 [Courtesy of CO2.Earth]
Latest daily total (April 8, 2024): 425.67ppm
One year ago (April 9, 2023): 421.70ppm
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