Imagine that you are on the jury. You must either convict or acquit ‘the accused’ who is charged with committing horrendous acts of violence against an unarmed and defenseless ‘victim’. At the time of committing the acts of violence, ‘the accused’ was not suffering any mental illness that would have resulted in not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
Here are the uncontested facts.
The Victim;
• many years ago, put ‘the accused’ in a cage. Over the ensuing years, ‘the victim’ (The Cager) forced ‘the accused’ (The Caged) to live 24/7 in the cage and treated them in the most barbaric manner.
• monitored and limited all food going into the cage such that The Caged continually lived on barely enough calories to survive. The Cager’ even bragged to the world about this deprivation.
• restricted all medicines and medical supplies going into the cage to only the bare basics.
• prevented any friends of The Caged from bringing desperately needed food or medical supplies to the cage.
• destroyed the homes and communities of many families and friends of The Caged, leaving them homeless.
• randomly shot to death many of The Cageds’ unarmed children.
The Caged:
• believing in the rule of law, repeatedly brought its plight to the United Nations which time after time, by lopsided majorities, voted to condemn The Cager’s’ behaviour, confirmed the behaviour was illegal, and called on The Cager’ to immediately set The Caged free.
• As the years went by, The Cageds’ life expectancy was reduced and reduced until it reached age 74 for men, age 77 for women, much below the average for other neighbouring areas.
• Citizens around the world, becoming extremely concerned about the plight of The Caged, organized campaigns to put economic pressure on The Cager’ in an effort to force The Cager’ to release The Caged. However, The Cager’ was very well connected within the upper echelons of many countries around the world and was able to have these campaigns made contrary to law.
• Warnings that conditions in the cage were intolerable continued to be ignored. The Caged became more and more despondent and stressed, coming to the realization that there was little prospect of life ever improving.
So, one night in the middle of the night, there was an unexpected breakout from the cage. The Caged went to the home of The Cager’ and inflicted unspeakable and horrific violence on individuals living there.
Is ‘the accused’ guilty or innocent? How would you vote? To convict or to acquit?
For more information, check out the links below:
Gaza barricade by Israel has been in existence in various forms since 2005
Putting Palestinians on a diet has been historically a deliberate Israeli strategy as part of its siege and blockade of Gaza.
The health of Palestinians in Gaza has deteriorated due to the years of Israeli blockade.
The Free Gaza Movement has over the years tried a number of times to break the blockade by sailing humanitarian aid ships to Gaza.
The level of homes and infrastructure destroyed in Gaza continues to climb.
Over the years, Israel soldiers are found to have killed Palestinian children in Gaza, including close to 600 in the most recent fighting.
Palestine and the United Nations
The World Health Assembly Decries Health Conditions in Occupied Palestinian Territories.
For years, U.S. officials have known that dire conditions in Gaza would lead to violence. They did nothing.
How the Hamas attack on Israel unfolded.
Daily atmospheric CO2 [Courtesy of CO2.Earth]
Latest daily total (October 25, 2023): 418.92ppm
One year ago (October 25, 2022): 415.67ppm
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